Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sunburned Scalp - In March!

Last week I noticed my brakes were squeaking a bit so I decided to change the pads over the weekend. We had a long trip scheduled for Saturday, so I wanted to get it done before we left. Alas, my daughters both had soccer games Saturday morning. I went to the games and cheered them on, as shown in a prior post. When I got home, I proceeded to swap out brake pads and had them finished before my wife could go to the store and back.

Despite finishing so quickly, I realized that I had suffered a sunburn. Unfortunately, I had recently shaved my head and the sunburn was on my scalp. It's been four days and it has been itching like crazy and now it's starting to peel. I feel like the poster boy for Selsun Blue. Why didn't I put on a hat? It's not like I just woke up one morning and became fair-skinned. Ugh!

Oh yeah, I get a sunburn in March and we're supposed to get snow tomorrow. One thing's for sure, we have interesting weather here.



Meg said...

Sunburned scalps SUCK! I've done that way too many times to count. Eventually I'll learn my lesson.

Sorry to hear about work. That makes me so angry for all of you guys. Errr!

James a.k.a. SmorgasBorgnine said...

Thanks. I appreciate it and I'm sure Jason does too.